What inspired Me
From when I was very little I always had a love for sports especially football and wrestling and I always loved making creative things in video form. My parents always noticed it and told me I should do this but I didn't think so until later on. once I got to High School sports that's when I really wanted to give it a shot cause our team had these guys that would come film our games and made some really cool films for us and I loved them and their videos really got me even more into it. so I contacted them and asked if I could use their clips and make a video for a season preview video for the 2023-2024 season and they let me and so I made the video and posted it. The video BLEW UP! everyone loved it and told me how great I did and even my football coach told me, I've got some legit work and talent and that I'll do great things. From that day on I've been doing it and I love every second of it.